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Project 4:
Circulation and Spatial Relationships
Raul Ramdeholl
A newly formed yacht club has requested a design for their club house and facilities on the shore of Long Island Sound. The club specifically wants to take advantage of the views of the sound and the distant Connecticut shore. In addition, the yacht club holds a yearly commissioning and blessing of the Fleet and Club. This ceremony includes a processional from the road to the water.
Function Requirements:
Lobby, 100 S.F.
Great Room 800 S.F.
Eating/Seating Area 800 S.F.
Bar area 300 S.F.
Kitchen 300 S.F.
Toilet & Lavatory, 150 S.F. each (men and women)
Other functions as needed / required to occupy indoor spaces
3. DOCK: approx. 8' wide x 500 lineal feet min.
4. OTHER FUNCTIONS (as needed to occupy outdoor spaces):
Basketball court
Tennis court
Barbecue area,
6. PARKING: approx. 10,000 S.F. min.

Spatial Relationships
Space abutting a space
Space overlapping a space
Space within a space
Space-Path Relationships
Path along the inside edge of a space
Path outside a space
Path terminating in a space
Conceptual Goal:

Five spaces along a path (circulation) for both site and building
Site Spaces w/ Circulation
Building Spaces w/ Circulation
Site w/ Circulation

Site Views

Mass-oriented elements to define spaces
Site Views w/ Path

Building Floor Plan

Building Views

Overlap of spaces/threshold formed by overhead girders and half wall
Space within a space established by raised and circular roof
Curved meta-wall to define the site's circular space

Space within a space enforced by a combination of the columns and chair shapes

Meta-walls to define surrounding spaces without interference from building's spaces
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