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Project 3:
Enclosure by Planes
Raul Ramdeholl
Economically utilize planes of different properties to form spaces of 3 sizes (small, medium, large). Minimum usage of planes to define a certain space is ideal. Planes vary in being either white or black and having three different lengths.
-Planes may not abut end to end or overlap.
-Only orthogonal ("T" and "L") connections are allowed.
-Implement all 3 spatial relationships
-Entire project minimum of 15" high
-All spaces must flow (no 4 wall dead ends)
-No layer caking of planes are allowed (like stories in a building)
-A min. of 1 large space, 2 or more medium spaces, and 10 or more small spaces
-No symmetry

Spatial Relationships
Space abutting a space
Space overlapping a space
Space within a space

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